Infrastructure to Connect

Creating connections between research and policy communities. Bringing people together in service of the public good.

Infrastructure to Connect

Creating connections between research and policy communities. Bringing people together in service of the public good.

The new home of the Research-to-Policy Collaboration, Family Impact Seminars and SciComm Optimizer for Policy Engagement models.

The new home of the Research-to-Policy Collaboration, Family Impact Seminars and SciComm Optimizer for Policy Engagement models.


Policy Training and Workshops

TrestleLink seeks to demystify the research translation and policy engagement process for students and researchers of all career stages.

Strategy Development

Understanding key audiences’ motivations, routines, and preferences are critical for developing effective outreach initiatives.

Engage Policymakers

We work with our partners to identify policymakers who are active in championing issues that correspond with their research area.

Build Research Capacity

We can help you quickly identify researchers who have expertise relevant to the goals and initiatives identified by policymakers.

Fact Sheet Dissemination

We transform your work into an opportunity for outreach and engagement, consistent with best practices.


A throughline of TrestleLink services relates to understanding and replicating what works.


Research-to-Policy Collaboration

Maximizing research impact by bringing researchers and policymakers together to achieve shared goals.

Family Impact

Using Research to Build Better Public Policy for Families.


Continuous quality improvement to experimentally test strategies for increasing policymakers’ electronic engagement with research.


Infrastructure to Connect

About TrestleLink

A bridge metaphor is frequently used to describe attempts to connect the disparate worlds of research and policy. A trestle is a brace that supports a connecting structure, which we believe rests on linking people in service of the public good.


There is a place for everyone at the table. Get involved and help us build an infrastructure to connect research and policy communities.