Facilitating Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships for Child Abuse Prevention

Published July 20, 2022

A key objective of the Research-to-Policy Collaboration is to facilitate working relationships and partnerships between these two communities. We have found that working closely with the “right” legislative offices (e.g., those charged with policy development) at the “right” time (e.g., when a policy goal is on the agenda), as well as beginning with existing legislative goals, are particularly critical strategies. We also find that, like any relationship, trusting partnerships evolve over time. When legislative staff ask someone to do something incredible, like testify at a hearing or comment on a bill, it’s because they already have demonstrated credibility before those opportunities spring up. We like to tell this story to illustrate how partnerships can mature over time.

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Facilitating Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships for Child Abuse Prevention

Published July 20, 2022

A key objective of the Research-to-Policy Collaboration is to facilitate working relationships and partnerships between these two communities. We have found that working closely with the “right” legislative offices (e.g., those charged with policy development) at the “right” time (e.g., when a policy goal is on the agenda), as well as beginning with existing legislative goals, are particularly critical strategies. We also find that, like any relationship, trusting partnerships evolve over time. When legislative staff ask someone to do something incredible, like testify at a hearing or comment on a bill, it’s because they already have demonstrated credibility before those opportunities spring up. We like to tell this story to illustrate how partnerships can mature over time.

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