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We work with a range of partners who have different needs and collaborative projects. These range from providing direct services to improve researcher-policymaker relationships as well as building capacity and in-house infrastructure for research translation and evaluation.
Research Translation Platform

The Research Translation Platform sits within Penn State’s Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative and specializes in rigorously evaluating the effectiveness and impact of research translation models, including the Research-to-Policy Collaboration, SCOPE, and Family Impact Seminars. The platform implements these models at a large scale (e.g., hundreds of meetings per year) in order to experimentally test the ways in which these practices can support policymakers’ use of research evidence.
National Prevention Science Coalition

Guided by science, the National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives envisions a society that fosters nurturing environments and caring relationships for the well-being of all. Their mission is to prevent social ills and promote wellbeing by translating scientific knowledge into effective and sustainable practices, systems and policies.
UTHealth Houston’s Center for Violence Prevention

UTHealth Houston’s Center for Violence Prevention provides a place for actionable research intended to prevent and mitigate the harm of multiple forms of violence. As Health Policy Director, Dr. Shannon Guillot-Wright provides leadership for legislative engagement and research translation. TrestleLink provides support for scheduling and organizing researchers in the Rapid Response Network.
American University

The Translating Research into Action Center is led by Vice-Provost for Research and Innovation, Dr. Diana Burley, and her colleagues. The TrestleLink team is providing technical assistance for building research translation infrastructure and evaluation as part of an award designed to support institutional capacity development. This project involves a comprehensive array of programs that nurture research translation skills, develop strategies, seed investments, and cultivate a culture for recognizing and rewarding research impact.
Child Maltreatment Solutions Network

Child Maltreatment Solutions Network at Penn State is a nationally recognized research center that leads studies designed to investigate how to protect vulnerable children from abuse. This center uses the Rapid Response Network to organize scholars’ contributions to policies related to violence, child abuse and neglect, and sexual exploitation.
This service has been of tremendous value for our research center to be able to navigate policy efforts and relationships so that we can more effectively bridge research and policy.
– Jennie Noll, Child Maltreatment Solutions Network
The Michael and Susan Dell Center

The Michael and Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living is a Research Center focused on public health and promotion of healthy Living. They piloted the first expansion of the RPC model in state government in the state of Texas.
In helping us to launch a state-level RPC project, the federal RPC team has provided us with a strong theoretical framework to complement our background in public health. Our TX RPC project continues to grow in influence, thanks to the partnership and collaborations with Penn State.
– Deanna Hoelscher, Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living

EdEquity is an initiative that was developed to provide evidence on best practices to policymakers and school leaders to help every children thrive. In a previous project, EdEquity developed a Rapid Response Network of education scholars to participate in the Research-to-Policy Collaboration.
Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth

Shelley MacDermid Wadsworht, PhD directs the Center for Families and the Military Families Institute at Purdue University. In partnership with Karen Bogenschneider, Shelley supports the transition of the Family Impact Seminar model to TrestleLink.
Center for American Entrepreneurship

The Center for American Entrepreneurship (CAE) is a nonpartisan, Washington, DC-based 501(c)(3) research, policy, and advocacy organization established in July of 2017. CAE’s mission is to engage policymakers in Washington and across the nation regarding the critical importance of entrepreneurs and startups to innovation, economic growth, job creation, and expanding opportunity – and to pursue a comprehensive policy agenda intended to achieve a stronger, more resilient, and inclusive U.S. economy through thriving entrepreneurship.